Thursday, May 12, 2011

Morning Muddle

I suppose an explanation of this blog is to be expected.  My sister recently started a blog and needed her first follower, so I created an account.  It occurred to me that perhaps I should simply use it to publish my musings and anything I find remotely creative that I have composed, or any beautiful poems or prose I come across while perusing the interwebs ^.^  I do so love written words...and occasionally they will cooperate and line up just right for me.

The background of my header contains a piece by one of my favorite poets.  Expect to see more of him on this blog :)

"But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling like dew upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think."
- Lord Byron

Until we meet again, my fellow adventurers...
Happy Questing!


  1. It's so nice, I followed you twice!! :-) I look forward to reading your fabulous compositions--you have always been a gifted writer. This will be a fascinating delvation into the mysteries of the psyche...I don't know, it sounded good! And to think, it was all for me! :-P

    xox Love & Cupcakes xox

  2. So nice I followed you twice! I love how blogger deletes comments randomly...
